Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Week Two: Sweet Things

Mini Eggs. Malteasers. Milo. 

I really thought I'd desperately miss chocolate. I've been so addicted to it for a very long time. I put on my coat this week and found a huge pile of empty chocolate wrappers in my pocket. Just shows how much I used to eat! 

The things that proves it was an addiction was how I used to hide my chocolate eating. I recently admitted to my husband that I used to eat chocolate and hide the wrappers in my sons nappies so that I could put them in the nappy bin. That way Markus would never find out! What a WEIRDO!

But I honestly haven't missed anything! Instead I have discovered some delicious alternatives. One of my favourites is "Salted Caramel" haloumi and apple. 

Pan fry the haloumi and apple. Put on a plate and shake cinnamon over the top. YUM! 

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