Sunday, 5 April 2015

Week Six: Lapses

Week Six: 

Current Weight - 61.8kg
Goal Weight - 58kgs (size 10)
Weight Loss to Date - 4kg

What I am finding difficult: 
Because we're getting closer to the end I am finding that I justify and lapse a lot more than I did in the beginning. Today, for example, we celebrated the wonderful resurrection of our Saviour Jesus Christ with a fabulous roast dinner. Succulent lamb, creamy potatoes and juicy roasted capsicum. The mint sauce, had sugar. I ate chips. I had second helpings of the potato bake. I took a slice of pecan pie (I might just add here, it was incredibly delicious. I've never enjoyed a pie so much). I even ate a piece of peanut butter fudge. To say "I lapsed" is an understatement. On top of that, I came home and devoured some raspberry ripple and cheese and crackers. 

How do I feel? 

My stomach is cramping, bloated and I can feel the cheese sitting at the top giving me that "urghhhh" feeling. 

Would I do it again?

I would definitely take on that pecan pie again. I've never tasted a pie so scrummy. It would be a shame to let that pass by. The cheese, ripple and fudge? I could probably leave them. The feeling I have now isn't worth it. The tricky thing is remembering that when it's sitting in front of me. They just cry out to be eaten. The "sugar-free" options are the hardest to resist because they're the easiest to justify. 

It's time to get back on the horse.   

What I enjoyed:
Definitely enjoyed the pecan pie. But in a different way. I took every bite and savoured each mouthful. I didn't just shove it down my throat but really enjoyed the flavour sensations. I know it's not sugar free but I have definitely turned a corner. I enjoy food more than I did before and don't take it for granted. 

Monday, 30 March 2015

Week Six: My Raspberry Ripple

Week Six brings sweetness back! YAY!

Fruit. Rice malt syrup. Cacao. Stevia. I made the raspberry ripple from the book. It was really good. Absolutely scrummy with coffee. 

This weekend Markus' family came to visit. We went out for a family lunch today and I had a haloumi burger and creme brûlée. The first sugar for 6 weeks. I must admit that it was really yummy but what happened later, it was so not worth it. Since having that lunch I have felt heavy, lethargic, bloated and have a 'sick' feeling sitting at the top of my stomach. I feel awful and really wish I hadn't had it. I totally learnt my lesson, I don't need sugar and my body really doesn't enjoy it anymore. 

I will take the sugar free raspberry ripple over a sugar filled creme brûlée any day. 

Week Five: More than half way

Week Five: 

Current Weight - 62kg
Goal Weight - 58kgs (size 10)
Weight Loss to Date - 3kg

What I am finding difficult: 

My weight is not changing. I'm feeling flat.

What I enjoyed:
It's starting to feel more "normal". Eating and cooking this way has become habit. I don't have to think it through like I used to. I really enjoy the food we eat and it leaves me feeling full and satisfied. 

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Week Four: Slightly better

Week Four: 

Current Weight - 61.2kg
Goal Weight - 58kgs (size 10)
Weight Loss to Date - 4.3kg

What I am finding difficult: 
The thing I hate the most is that I have to keep explaining that I've quit sugar. Everywhere I go people keep shoving sugary treats in my face. I'm not tempted by them, that's not my problem. The difficulty is having to explain without making a fuss. Then, their face! It's almost a face of disgust. A look of "what? Why?"  I don't know if it's because you expose how badly they eat? People have done all things from putting sugar in my tea (feel really bad when they've just made me a cuppa!), offering me fruit as a "healthy" option and just blatantly tempting me with my favourite chocolates (twirls). 

What I enjoyed:

I feel a lot better in myself. Clearer. Fresher. 

Friday, 13 March 2015

Week Three: Flat

Week Three: 

Current Weight - 61.5kg
Goal Weight - 58kgs (size 10)
Weight Loss to Date - 4kg

What I am finding difficult: 
This week hasn't been amazing. The thing is, I'm not craving what I thought I would. I don't feel like "Wow, I need chocolate" or "Pleeeeeeease give me some ice-cream!" The weirdest thing is that I'd really like some fruit! What? Who would've thought my first sugar craving would be for fruit! I really miss it.

Markus nearly chucked it all in. He wasn't losing weight like he wanted to, he was irritable, grouchy and feeling rubbish. Seems like I have joined him now. I don't feel like I want to quit quitting sugar, actually I'm really passionate about staying this way for life now! I just don't feel right. To be honest, that could be down to a severe lack of sleep or the fact that I haven't been to the gym this week. I guess when you throw all those things together you get a fairly ordinary feeling.

What I enjoyed:Hmmm...

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Week Two: Who needs sugar?

Week Two: 

Current Weight - 62.2kg
Goal Weight - 58kgs (size 10)
Weight Loss to Date - 3kg

What I am finding difficult:
It's still the little things that I find tricky. I've noticed that I'm a "picker", I used to pick! A little something here, a little bite there. Going out for coffee is my weak point. Costa gingerbread men, brownies at Baby Cafe, biscuits and wafers at Tea By The Sea. It's the little extras. Today we went to have a Flat White at The Two Magpies Bakery in Southwold. They make the best coffee in all of England! I LOVE their sweet things: salted caramel brownies, snickerdoodles, chocolate eclairs, custard tarts...mmm. Today, just coffee. I made it a large so I felt better! 

What I enjoyed:
My cooking has improved so much! Prosciutto wrapped asparagus, Dukkah crusted chicken, Caramelised cream, Pork sausage rolls, Grilled haloumi and apple. It's just so tasty!

Week Two: Just so yummy!

Who would've thought that getting rid of sugar would make my cooking better? But it has!

Before starting IQS8WP my cooking was pretty average. Not unhealthy either, just a bit boring. I really couldn't think of more than 5 things to make and I used to rotate them week by week. Spaghetti bolognese, salmon and potatoes, lamb burgers, chicken stir-fry...blah. Now thinking about it, we were eating so much potato, white bread, white rice and then pile chocolate, ice-cream and lollies on top of that! Wow, no wonder I wasn't losing weight!

Now my cooking has rocketed into another dimension. My husband is pretty impressed with the variety of my cooking and the incredible tastes I create. He keeps asking "Are you sure we can eat this? It tastes so good!" Because the food is so yummy we really haven't noticed that sugar is gone. We're actually enjoying its absence. Although, week 1-3 you can still have fruit, I think we will miss that. 

Today's lunch: 
Dukkah Crusted Chicken with Proccuitto wrapped asparagus and a fried egg

Tonight's dinner:
Main: Pork and Fennel Sausage Rolls with Rocket and Avocado Salad
Dessert: Berries with Caramelised Cream

All I can say is, OH MY GOODNESS, YUM!

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Week Two: Sweet Things

Mini Eggs. Malteasers. Milo. 

I really thought I'd desperately miss chocolate. I've been so addicted to it for a very long time. I put on my coat this week and found a huge pile of empty chocolate wrappers in my pocket. Just shows how much I used to eat! 

The things that proves it was an addiction was how I used to hide my chocolate eating. I recently admitted to my husband that I used to eat chocolate and hide the wrappers in my sons nappies so that I could put them in the nappy bin. That way Markus would never find out! What a WEIRDO!

But I honestly haven't missed anything! Instead I have discovered some delicious alternatives. One of my favourites is "Salted Caramel" haloumi and apple. 

Pan fry the haloumi and apple. Put on a plate and shake cinnamon over the top. YUM! 

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Week Two: Eating Out

"Please, take some more!"

Today I faced the hardest part of this 8 week journey - going out for lunch. We were invited to a friends place for lunch and although they know we have quit sugar, there was sugar everywhere! A small part of me dreaded it because it will mess up all I've tried to establish in this past week.

Then I stopped to think. How ridiculous! You just can't live life like that. Although I'm detoxing I can't live my life under a rock. I was still very careful about what I ate (I took sweet potatoes but left the roasties and gravy) but when they have made dessert especially for you it is incredibly rude to refuse it.

When I think back to my pre-detoxing self I am impressed by the small changes I was able to make. I said no to the biscuits, soft drink and crackers. Before I would've had at least 3 biscuits, 2 glasses of soft drink and probably seconds of dessert. So in a way I have been able to now limit myself. Baby steps I guess.

My tip for next time, when someone asks if we can come over I will say we're free for coffee!

Saturday, 28 February 2015

Week One: Why?

"What? Do I really look like that? How utterly embarrassing?"

These were the thoughts running through my mind when I looked back at the photos from my recent trip back home to Australia. There was one photo in particular that shocked me the most and I will attach it here. I wouldn't normally publish such an embarrassing photo but I really want to face the reality that is the incredible weight I have put on.

I've decided to ask myself a series of questions every week (or probably every couple of days just to keep myself motivated!)

Week One: 
Current Weight - 65kgs
Goal Weight - 58kgs (size 10)
Weight Loss to Date - 0kgs

My top 5 goals:
1. Lose 6kgs/return to a size 10
2. Go to the shops/cafe without feeling like I need to buy something sweet
3. See photos/myself in the mirror and not feel 'frumpy' or 'bulging'
4. Feel energised and positive
5. Understand how to change my lifestyle so this isn't just a craze

What I look forward to:
At the moment I look in the mirror and I see my stomach bulging over my jeans. I am embarrassed to take my cardigan off because you can see where my fat is desperately trying to escape from all areas possible. I can't wait to put on my jeans and not feel like they are pinching me at the sides. I want to be able to wear clothes this summer and not feel too big to wear them.

What makes me nervous:
I think other people might react negatively to this drastic change of diet. Some might make me feel like its a con or a joke. Others might try and tempt me to give up. I don't look forward to the cravings and possible lack-of-sugar-headaches. I'm nervous about going out for coffee with friends and being tempted when I see them eat cake.

What I am finding difficult:
Understanding what has sugar and what doesn't. Do I cut out fruit? All of it? Is that healthy? Do I really understand what I am meant to be doing?

What I enjoyed:
I loved the Avocado and Goats Cheese Toastie today. It was so yummy! I also added some left over roasted sweet potato and it was fabulous! Another fabulous recipe I discovered was Sweet Potato and Chickpea tortillas (photo below). The food is so good you forget it's a diet!

Week One: Gym

Protein Shakes. Lycra. Sweat.

Walking in to the gym for the first time since Alex felt like walking into a club for cool people and I had a giant, neon sign screaming "LOSER".

I hate that first moment when you return to the gym. All the men are built like Mr. Strong and the women look gorgeous in their tights, amazing make-up and gorgeous hair. I swiped my card and walked in to the main workout area and it had all changed since I'd been there last. I immediately just wanted to fit in but it seemed that all the machines I knew how to use were taken. I lingered around the water cooler until a bike was free then hurried over trying to look like I do this all the time.

This. won't. stop. me! Bring it.

Week One: Smashed it!

Week One: 
Current Weight - 62.6kg
Goal Weight - 58kgs (size 10)
Weight Loss to Date - 2.4kg

What I am finding difficult:
Not much really. This week was so much easier than I imagined it would be! It's crazy to think we've been a whole week without sugar. We haven't completely cut out fruit yet but I've only had 2 apples and haven't really craved anything or feel I'm missing out. The small things are the hardest. So, ordering a cup of coffee and they serve it with a small biscuit or wafer. It's just sitting there screaming "EAT ME!!". That's where I struggle. Or, a friend of mine was talking about Hagen Daas Ice-Cream, ice-cream is my kryptonite. 

What I enjoyed:
I made the world's most amazing hash for lunch yesterday. I blew myself away. 

Most Amazing Hash:
Steamed broccoli
Raw beans
Roasted chickpeas and sweet potato tossed in cajun spice and garlic
Pan-fried strips of beef
Squeeze of lemon

Chuck it in a bowl and mix together.

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Week One: Getting Equipped

Chia seeds. Quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wah). Coconut oil. Flaxseeds. Green Powder. Amaranth. Buckwheat groats. Stevia.


Simply getting ready for this crazy 8-week challenge has been a huge learning curve. I had no idea these seeds/foods even existed! I flipped through Sarah Wilson's book, "I Quit Sugar", with pen and paper at the ready and wrote down all the ingredients I have never heard of. I came up with a pretty extensive list.

Today I walked in to town with my little boy Alex ready to find all these weird and exciting ingredients. I eagerly walked in to the local health food shop with my huge list in my hand. The whole shop was filled with ingredients, potions and lotions I have never seen or heard of before. This is a new world to me. I quickly found quinoa, flaxseeds and a few nuts. I walked around pretending that I do this all the time but I think the cashier quickly found me out when I struggled to pronounce "Amaranth".

This challenge is still in the "excitement" stage. I am ready and buzzing to get started. I wonder how long this feeling will last?

I came home and quickly whipped up my first no-sugar brekkie ready for our big launch on Saturday. Cashewy Chia Puddings.

1/2 Cup Chia Seeds (White is best but I used black, I hope that's ok?)
375ml Almond Milk or Cashew Milk or regular milk
25g frozen berries (optional)
1/2 tsp vanilla powder (I couldn't find powder so I have ground vanilla pods)
granulated stevia, to taste
pinch of salt

Combine all the ingredients in a bowl. Place in 2 serving bowls and chill to serve.

Note: I have made mine ready for Saturday and placed it in a glass jar in the fridge. It will keep for a few days in the fridge. Serves 2.

Bring it on Saturday.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Week One: Start to Cut Back

I am addicted to sugar. There you go, I said it. Now to face it. 

It is so easy to blame being flabby on having recently given birth to a little baby. I did. To be honest, having a baby does take your body through a crazy amount of change. But too many people use it as a huge excuse to remain overweight. I would easily sit down with a packet of mini eggs or even a jar of Nutella and consume the lot. "Oh but you burn 500 calories a day Breastfeeding!" I definitely justified my crazy habits but really it is just a deep, set, addiction to sugar. Enough is enough. 

My close friend, Nat, suggested I go on an 8 week detox to rid sugar from running my life. She said she has never felt so energised and happy. I'm about to embark on an 8 week challenge to see whether all this fuss is worth it.